Today marks the 5th anniversary of The Collaborative Exchange. After 30 years in corporate, I threw caution to the wind and backed myself.
It has been an incredible journey and we have had such fantastic support for the value we bring to the investment and wealth management industries.
We have never taken anything for granted and have earned our “right to play”, despite COVIDs attempt to derail us. To the contrary, it encouraged us to innovate and find new ways of doing things.
In fact, COVID made us stronger and in a better position to deal with content origination. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support and encouragement – our sponsors as well as the many financial advisors/wealth managers that continually support us.
You can be assured that we will continue to innovate and challenge conventional thinking in the future.
Thank you!
#thecollaborativeexchange #investmentmanagement #wealthmanagement #financialadvice #financialadvisors #financialplanning #collaborate #connect #create Jason Hinton Debbie Lee Hinton Samantha Bowyer Robb Gordon